Kyle and I attempted to brave the maize maze in Macedon yesterday before we went to a little party. It is actually a national company that owns the maze and they draw certain pictures within the corn. Ours was a fitness theme. So there was a guy lifting weight, someone on a bike... things like that. The only way you can see the picture is from an aerial view. The point of the maze is that you find pieces of the map in these mail boxes. You walk around with a large flag that is different from everyones else's flag. This flag is to help you get out if you are lost and you want out of the maze. Our flag was deep red (My favorite color) on the top written in a sharpie was "the punpkin heads." Apparently that was our "team name."Sounds like fun but when you pass the same bridge five times you start to hate the stupid maze. I told Kyle we would tell everyone that we were awesome and finished the maze.... but that would be a lie. Because we said fuck this and left the maze. I didn't feel guilty either. I was just glad to get out of there.
ah Long Acres... I did their ad for the paper. That maze doesn't even seem fair.
Did they have the giant bouncing pad set up still?
Not that I am aware of. But we can of ran as fast we could out with our tails between our legs
awww, i'm glad that you got out! have you seen that episode of the simpsons where they get lost in a corn maze?
i want on a trip sophmore year to taht maze and i went there drunk with abunch of friends...worst idea ever
we ended up getting completely lost and we broke half a dozen rules before just giving up and leaving through the entrance
furthermore, we lost three people in our group and didnt see them until the next day...
that maze defeated us on that fine day
hey kid. :)
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