Saturday, August 30, 2008

catch up from the last 24 hrs

I want to meet more couples for Kyle and I to hang out with. People just as quirky as Kyle and I and able to handle Kyles not thinking before speaking flaw. Haha. It is hard when all of your friends are young and single and they don't have to answer to anyone but themselves. Not that Kyle has to answer to me but I more mean that i think of him in my equation before I make any decisions that could effect him and I believe that he does that same for me. We have had numerous "dates" with Hannah and Micheal but something stupid always prevents us from hanging out. For example, I got Pink eye and we couldn't hang out. What childless 24 year old gets Pink eye...

I was looking in the classifieds today for some pet ads because I'm always keeping an eye out for toy poodles and I saw an ad,

"Poodle: Toy male puppy exceptional intelligence & personality, White, AKC, vet checked REDUCED $385 and the number"

Well for one that is a great price. I really didn't want a white one but that is so cheap. I did show Kyle and I don't think he was that excited when he read it. It must not be the right timing. When it comes to any big decision I never know a good time line and am never on the same page haha. Someday I will get my puppy.

Photobooth update: We decided to try and make the frame out of a thin PVC pipe. Kyle said we will need to cut down the larger pieces using a compound saw and he will teach me how to use that tomorrow. But basically what is going down is that once they are cut they can be disassembled and assembled as needed. That way I can pack it up bring it in my car and go on from there.

I also got some new lighting technique books I am planning on building a wide ranged portfolio separate from what I already have. I want to dabble in food and product photography see how I like those. If I do anything cool I will make sure I post some samples so that you don't feel left out. Maybe I should move to a big city and do freelance work.

I don't know what I want to do when I grow up.

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