I was watching the view and they were talking about gay rights, one of the ladies made a point about the fact that if I did marry another woman what does that do to your marriage. It is such a tough subject because there are so many people out there who believe that homosexuals cannot be married. They can have a civil union but they will never be able to truly married.
As young kids we are always told that we grow up get married and have children. But if you are not the norm that is suddenly not expected of you. Because you are gay you are no longer expected to get married in fact you are not even allowed to. So these expectations that are made to us no longer is feasible. How is this right? How can a government decide who I am "allowed" to marry. It really just lights a fire underneath me and I am not even in this situation. If I love a man or a woman I want the right to be able to choose who I like.
I would like to be able to have children if I want to. They are now making laws that you cant take in foster children if you are not married this also effects gays from taking in children. Is this law targeting gays? Maybe this will past was there not a point where the marriage of a black and a white an issue.
People can claim that people are worried that people will get married that are for special benefits but does that not happen with straight couples? Couples are getting married all the time to allow people into the country. but no that doesnt matter. ... more later
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Book Club
I know its been a while... no excuses
I want to start a book club. I want it to be amongst friends. I do not want it to be me joining a stiff book club with a bunch of strangers that I have to get to know a I go on. Everyone can bring snacks and drink wine, we can spend the first night picking out the books we will read. One book a month. It would be a lot of of fun. I am posting here, myspace and facebook. We will see how interested people are. Hopefully as much as me.
I want to start a book club. I want it to be amongst friends. I do not want it to be me joining a stiff book club with a bunch of strangers that I have to get to know a I go on. Everyone can bring snacks and drink wine, we can spend the first night picking out the books we will read. One book a month. It would be a lot of of fun. I am posting here, myspace and facebook. We will see how interested people are. Hopefully as much as me.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What a great night!! And some plugging!

Well Last night we went to A PUB live and we saw a cover band that called themselves Drama Queen. I am obsessed with this gal now, not only is she seriously gorgeous but she has an impressive vocal range and tonality. She sang everything from Kelly Clarkson to No Doubt. They came on around 10 and sang until 2. I was impressed her voice didn't falter at all. Kyle said that he would want a band like them to play the last few hours of our wedding. I'm assuming he means our reception. All hypothetical at the moment considering a lack in a question being asked but a good thought. I am already her friend on myspace so I will have to ask if they do that kind of thing.
Check them out though if you can @
I also clicked on a link on myspace for a female singer and I'm listening to her tracks on her page and I'm obsessed. So if you like Indie chicks that can actually sing with some great tunes check her out too @
While I'm plugging some music I have to say if you have never heard of Pandora.com drop everything you are doing and go there now! It is a great place where you can listen to only music you like! How it works is you type in a few bands or songs that you like. You can start with one if you choose and it finds music from those choices that fit the same genre and sound and things like that. If you don't like what they come up with that's OK you can click "do not play this again" and they wont. If you get sick of a song that plays on your personally created list you can click "do not play for a month" and it wont play. It is such a great invention and you need to check it out.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Forgive Another Poor Drawing!

Here is a ridiculously awful rendition of what I want my tattoo to look like. It would be on the top center of my back a few inches below the base of my neck. I have been considering the same thing for two years. So I have definitely gave it some thought. I am just petrified that I am going to be a big baby and cry.
The crown is a symbol of my sorority and the number 297 is the order in which I was instantiated into my chapter so it is my bond number. I am really excited to do it if I ever get up the courage. So far I do not have that courage. Im scared I will flinch and get a line down my back or I wil get an anxiety attack for having at stay still for so long which I am privy too. I wrote to long I have to go to work.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Making myself busy
I must really be bored with my life because I'm trying to take on some serious extracurriculars. For instance I am getting back involved into Zeta after my year long break. I am going to the alumni mixer @ spot coffee. Kyle and I filled our Thursdays with Ballroom dancing lessons that start on the 25th. I am also most likely trying out for Evita with the Webster theater guild. If I do all of this plus my full time job I am going to be one VERY busy girl. I love it. The only thing I am worried about is that Evita will conflict with work and Dancing. I don't know yet because the auditions are on the 26th. Damn I need to download the soundtrack so I can start mesmerizing the songs so I dont learn them right before the audition.... anyone have the soundtrack?
oh and does anyone know where I can get leather soled shoes for dancing? I dont even know what those are.
oh and does anyone know where I can get leather soled shoes for dancing? I dont even know what those are.
Early Mornings
I am usually just waking up at this time not being completely ready. I have a chiropractor appointment at 730. I am excited cause it will feel good but I am still tired and would rather be in bed. tomorrow I am laying out my clothes the night before and maybe even making my lunch and sleeping until 730. At least project runway is on tonight... something to look forward too.
We are also signing up for ballroom dancing this week. Kyle's mom is getting us the form. I am so excited :) Mostly because it was Kyle's idea not mine. Someone will have to come one night and take pictures so that I can scrapbook the activity.
We are also signing up for ballroom dancing this week. Kyle's mom is getting us the form. I am so excited :) Mostly because it was Kyle's idea not mine. Someone will have to come one night and take pictures so that I can scrapbook the activity.
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Amazing Maize Maze!

Kyle and I attempted to brave the maize maze in Macedon yesterday before we went to a little party. It is actually a national company that owns the maze and they draw certain pictures within the corn. Ours was a fitness theme. So there was a guy lifting weight, someone on a bike... things like that. The only way you can see the picture is from an aerial view. The point of the maze is that you find pieces of the map in these mail boxes. You walk around with a large flag that is different from everyones else's flag. This flag is to help you get out if you are lost and you want out of the maze. Our flag was deep red (My favorite color) on the top written in a sharpie was "the punpkin heads." Apparently that was our "team name."Sounds like fun but when you pass the same bridge five times you start to hate the stupid maze. I told Kyle we would tell everyone that we were awesome and finished the maze.... but that would be a lie. Because we said fuck this and left the maze. I didn't feel guilty either. I was just glad to get out of there.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
catch up from the last 24 hrs
I want to meet more couples for Kyle and I to hang out with. People just as quirky as Kyle and I and able to handle Kyles not thinking before speaking flaw. Haha. It is hard when all of your friends are young and single and they don't have to answer to anyone but themselves. Not that Kyle has to answer to me but I more mean that i think of him in my equation before I make any decisions that could effect him and I believe that he does that same for me. We have had numerous "dates" with Hannah and Micheal but something stupid always prevents us from hanging out. For example, I got Pink eye and we couldn't hang out. What childless 24 year old gets Pink eye...
I was looking in the classifieds today for some pet ads because I'm always keeping an eye out for toy poodles and I saw an ad,
"Poodle: Toy male puppy exceptional intelligence & personality, White, AKC, vet checked REDUCED $385 and the number"
Well for one that is a great price. I really didn't want a white one but that is so cheap. I did show Kyle and I don't think he was that excited when he read it. It must not be the right timing. When it comes to any big decision I never know a good time line and am never on the same page haha. Someday I will get my puppy.
Photobooth update: We decided to try and make the frame out of a thin PVC pipe. Kyle said we will need to cut down the larger pieces using a compound saw and he will teach me how to use that tomorrow. But basically what is going down is that once they are cut they can be disassembled and assembled as needed. That way I can pack it up bring it in my car and go on from there.
I also got some new lighting technique books I am planning on building a wide ranged portfolio separate from what I already have. I want to dabble in food and product photography see how I like those. If I do anything cool I will make sure I post some samples so that you don't feel left out. Maybe I should move to a big city and do freelance work.
I don't know what I want to do when I grow up.
I was looking in the classifieds today for some pet ads because I'm always keeping an eye out for toy poodles and I saw an ad,
"Poodle: Toy male puppy exceptional intelligence & personality, White, AKC, vet checked REDUCED $385 and the number"
Well for one that is a great price. I really didn't want a white one but that is so cheap. I did show Kyle and I don't think he was that excited when he read it. It must not be the right timing. When it comes to any big decision I never know a good time line and am never on the same page haha. Someday I will get my puppy.
Photobooth update: We decided to try and make the frame out of a thin PVC pipe. Kyle said we will need to cut down the larger pieces using a compound saw and he will teach me how to use that tomorrow. But basically what is going down is that once they are cut they can be disassembled and assembled as needed. That way I can pack it up bring it in my car and go on from there.
I also got some new lighting technique books I am planning on building a wide ranged portfolio separate from what I already have. I want to dabble in food and product photography see how I like those. If I do anything cool I will make sure I post some samples so that you don't feel left out. Maybe I should move to a big city and do freelance work.
I don't know what I want to do when I grow up.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Photobooth Project

Ok I went shopping for my photobooth project. I found this ridiculous orange fabric and Kyle and I are going to construct the booth this weekend so it should be operational and I can use it on my friends to start out. Im really excited! I also made a really bad drawing to help understand my concept but just dont forget.... it is ROUGH very ROUGH
I have decided the lighting I want to use it it using direct flash like a traditional photobooth or make the light a more executed light with a photobooth feel. I think it will probably be more of the second one but depending on the environments it will be hard to capture perfect lighting. We will see how things pan out. I just need it to be constructed and I need to start playing with my new lights. That will help out a lot more. I think I am secretly afraid that I will not be able to use them and make a complete fool out of myself. But honestly who would I be fooling other than myself. I am a good photographer I am afraid of getting out there and proving it. I am hiding under someone else's name!!! Some of that is self inflicted while other parts of it is because all of the work I do produce lately dose not matter. I want to change that I want to be something special. For my self and for my family and all others who believe I am good enough to pursue my dreams.....
*Click Click*
As some of you may or may not know I am a photographer. At the moment I am a baby photographer for a high end studio. It is me and one other guy which is cool. But I eventually want to stray from that. I do not want to spend my life behind a desk realizing someone else's dream. I want my won dream. When I pinpoint exactly what that is and I can pursue it. As for now, I will push on in hopes that it will work out.
I am going to so a cheesy photobooth shoot with my friends. It should be fun if you want to join in let me know. It can be anytime and where. Just let me know if you are interested. I will post some of my favorites here. It will be an on going project.
I am going to so a cheesy photobooth shoot with my friends. It should be fun if you want to join in let me know. It can be anytime and where. Just let me know if you are interested. I will post some of my favorites here. It will be an on going project.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Is Everyone Procreating!!?!
I am sick of every other day seeing new baby pictures, engagement wedding photos. Why is everyone making babies and getting married! I feel old.... and behind
I have a new Layout!
After two days of putting two minutes at a time I finally made the title page for my blog. I have just been so busy being dragged places and such. Tonight is the new episode of Project Runway. I hope no one good goes home tonight. I wish there was a way I could get my hands on some of the outfits they make. Even if they were not the "winner" of the challenges doesn't mean I wouldn't wear that outfit. They should make a project runway line that the regular consumer could buy. I think they would make a lot of money. What do you think?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Shopping with the Mommy!

Yesterday I went shopping with mom and I found this hot chair that would look perfect in my hypothetical house. So I will put it away in my memory of things to duplicate when they are no longer available because I have waited my entire life to have a house.
I am in love with the print. I found it at TJ-Max. It has been there the last few times I have been there but it is only a matter of time before it is gone and all I have is this really badly colored image. I could have brought it into Photoshop but I took it with my Power shot digital elph and JPG's can be a pain to manipulate.
My Dream Dog

I am totally in love with this dog!! I have loved toy poodles ever since Kyle's scary ex had one that was cream and named Alana. Beautiful dog scary women. If I were to buy one it would be chocolate brown or a sandy coloring. I would name it Indie which could be a boy or girl name. However, it is no way a reference to Indiana Jones, as some have asked me that question. It is more an ode to the genre of music because I would hope Indie would mirror the characteristics of the music, playful and inspiring! I don't know when I will get my dog but It will probably happen before I ever have children... So Kyle should really get on that (Wink)
It is time!
Work weeks are the hardest things to start. They suck away all of your life! I just want an unconventional job, why cant I move into the city and be a freelancer. Or an Assistant to some great photographer. Oh...right...Yes I remember I went to RIT and I have to responsible and pay loans....
So I'm stuck in a job that will eventually give me a stroke.
So I'm stuck in a job that will eventually give me a stroke.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I just finished the first season of Showtime's "Calaforniacation." It was a great show a definite classic. I do not recommend this series to anyone who cant stand swearing, nudity and vulgarity. It is the male Sex and the City except a women would likely watch it and not whine the whole time like their male counterparts. The Main character is even a writer played by David Duchovny (for all you numskulls out there he is the guy from X-files) To keep up with the Sex and The City comparison they share an actor Harry, (Evan Handler) although they have different jobs but the same face :) You see all the sexual action and there are actual story lines attached to it. So if you are looking for something good to immerse yourself in go find it, its on DVD.
First Ever
This is the beginning of a new era. I am trying out sharing my life with everyone... everyone who cares to find out more. The success of this blog really depends on how well I can keep on top of it. Or how well people respond to it. Here is my life. Enjoy it and pass it on!
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