Well Last night we went to A PUB live and we saw a cover band that called themselves Drama Queen. I am obsessed with this gal now, not only is she seriously gorgeous but she has an impressive vocal range and tonality. She sang everything from Kelly Clarkson to No Doubt. They came on around 10 and sang until 2. I was impressed her voice didn't falter at all. Kyle said that he would want a band like them to play the last few hours of our wedding. I'm assuming he means our reception. All hypothetical at the moment considering a lack in a question being asked but a good thought. I am already her friend on myspace so I will have to ask if they do that kind of thing.
Check them out though if you can @
I also clicked on a link on myspace for a female singer and I'm listening to her tracks on her page and I'm obsessed. So if you like Indie chicks that can actually sing with some great tunes check her out too @
While I'm plugging some music I have to say if you have never heard of Pandora.com drop everything you are doing and go there now! It is a great place where you can listen to only music you like! How it works is you type in a few bands or songs that you like. You can start with one if you choose and it finds music from those choices that fit the same genre and sound and things like that. If you don't like what they come up with that's OK you can click "do not play this again" and they wont. If you get sick of a song that plays on your personally created list you can click "do not play for a month" and it wont play. It is such a great invention and you need to check it out.